Technical Test

WordPress Metabox


The purpose of this exercise is for us to get a sense of how you would approach designing and implementing a simple WordPress integration before we get you in for an interview. We’re avoiding tricky algorithmic tests in favor of something that shows how you approach problems and organise a codebase.

There is no time limit for this test, but we expect most applicants to complete the requirements in roughly 3-4 hours.

If you make any assumptions about requirements, or use any online resources to solve a problem, please make note of these in your code comments.

Your solution will be evaluated internally by your potential co-workers. You should expect a response from us within two business days.

User story

As a editor or journalist
I can access advertising features in a single location
So I can easily find all advertising-related settings

Acceptance criteria

  1. A new metabox is registered for the standard “post” post type
  2. The metabox title is “Advertising Settings”
  3. Three fields and a save button appear in the metabox, their requirements are outlined below

Advertisements field

The advertisements field has:

  1. The label “Advertisements:”
  2. Two inline radio inputs with labels: “Off” and “On”
  3. The “On” radio input selected by default

Commercial content type field

The commercial content type field has:

  1. The label “Commercial content type:”
  2. Four inline radio inputs with labels: “None”, “Sponsored content”, “Partnered content” and “Brought to you by”
  3. The “None” radio input selected by default

Advertiser name field

The advertiser name field has:

  1. The label “Advertiser name:”.
  2. A text input.

The advertiser name field is hidden while “None” is the selected commercial content type.

Save button

  1. A save button appears at the botton of the metabox.
  2. When clicked, a POST request is sent to /wp/v2/posts/<id> to save the current metabox field values to post meta for the current post.
  3. A success / error visual indicator appears after the request completes.


The following tasks are not required, but nice to have:

  1. Test WordPress environment to be hosted and publicly accessible (with username/password)


All acceptance criteria should be met (to best of ability and time available). A link to your repo should be sent to: amp HYPHEN tech HYPHEN test HYPHEN submissions HYPHEN group AT fairfaxmedia DOT com DOT au